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Week 11 of RAGNAR Trail Race Training - Countdown Time!

Melissa Ewing

Week 11 of training for my first RAGNAR race (April 8 - 14) was my last full week of training before the big event! At the beginning of this training, I set a few goals for myself including practicing running in the dark with my headlamp and practicing running twice in a day. Well...I still haven't done either of those things! I'm hoping there is time before the event to follow through on those tasks (and that I actually do it), but I have also found myself in a calm, relaxed mood regarding the upcoming relay race. Not calm as in not caring, but calm as in I know I have increased my endurance and whatever happens, I'll do my best and that's all that matters. The training has taken up a lot of time and energy, but I'm proud that I have had some bit of consistency each week. While some weeks have had more output than others, I have made time to run multiple times each week throughout the past months of training. With everything else I have going on, I call that a win!

I'm still loving seeing the Spring blooms outside during my runs. Oftentimes I want to stop during my run to take a photo, but I don't because I don't want to interrupt my groove or mess with my phone once all the settings are on for my tunes and Strava tracking. But I've been lucky to see so much beauty at the end of my runs at the Alpha Loop and Alpharetta City Center.

And yes, I'm still enjoying my post-run beer at the Jekyll Brewing rooftop location!

A beer and water at Jekyll Brewing
Rooftop view at Jekyll Brewing

An item of interest from this week was the unveiling of the restored "The Visitor" public art sculpture in downtown Alpharetta. I get to enjoy seeing him at the end of my run that goes through the Alpha Loop towards Alpharetta City Center and City Hall.

Another item of interest from this week was my parents safely returned from their TWO WEEK Caribbean cruise to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary! They had an amazing trip. I picked them up from the airport that Friday, and we headed straight to my niece's dance show, Cinderella. We were worried we would be late because their flight was delayed, but we literally made it to our seats at the theater within minutes of the show starting! Another win!

Post show family photo
With my parents and niece after Cinderella
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